Monday, January 31, 2011

Rabbit Stew

So I finally got brave enough the other week to cook the rabbit S caught the other day and made my first ever rabbit stew. It's not just my first rabbit stew it is the first time I've ever cooked anything wild or hunted, other than fish which doesn't really count. I have known for a week now that we had rabbit in the freezer and I was going to cook it in a stew. I was even a little excited about this new experiment. However as I stood in our kitchen that morning getting everything together I became very aware of the fact that I was going to have to actually touch a dead rabbit. I'm not really sure why the thought of touching a dead rabbit caused so much apprehension it was so strange it was actually kinda funny. It didn't matter how good the stew smelled all day I couldn't even bring myself to taste it, although I knew I was going to have to eat at least a bowl for dinner. It was a very strange day. However at the end of the day I did overcome my issues and try the stew. It was actually pretty decent to have been my first time. The meat turned out very tender although we really needed more meat. I used the same recipe that I use for my beef stew only substituted the beef for rabbit. So for a first time experiment it turned out very well and I'm actually looking forward to trying other types of meat. S came home with 2 more rabbits the other day that I have to try new recipes on so if anyone has any good rabbit recipes please pass them on.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bri Update

As most of you probably saw on facebook our little B had an accident Friday night involving a bookshelf. She was eating a quick dinner before band practice when she decided to play in her chair instead of sit in it. With daddy across the room getting more pizza and me in the office talking with the pastor's wife and everyone else occupied with their food she stood up turned around and flipped the chair with her top two front teeth making contact with the bookshelf behind her. As with most injuries involving the mouth there was immediately a lot of blood. Not having any ice handy I grabbed a cup full of snow to help stop the bleeding to get a better look at the damage. At first glance she had a pretty good busted top lip, but not something that would need stitches. Upon further inspection we notice that the gum just above her teeth was also cut pretty good and there was also white showing through the gum as we could see her teeth we weren't sure what the white was so we aired on the side of caution and ran across the street to the hospital. The ER had no patiences and they were ready to see us before I was done checking her in. The Dr. was also in the room ready to examine her before the nurses were done asking questions and getting her vitals. It was by far the best ER visit I have ever had! It was determined that she cut the tissue that connects her upper lip to the gum and that she possible jammed her teeth. None of the cuts seemed severe enough to need stitches and she seemed okay as long as you didn't mess with her lip so nothing was given to numb her lip either. There was also nothing to be done about the teeth except to follow up with the Dentist and have them access the damage, which we did today.
The dentist confirmed that the white was partly bone and partly root, the gum is fairly thin in that area so it wouldn't have taken much for either one to show through. She didn't think that the teeth were jammed due to being able to see the roots and the teeth still appeared to be positioned correctly they also didn't feel loose. Also, with B's age she felt everything would heal quickly and correctly without having any problems. We do have to keep an eye out for any possible infection as there isn't a good way to clean it, since we can't brush up there due to disturbing the clot and causing more pain and discomfort for B. We were also warned that the teeth may change color as the bruising continues to heal but they should change back as the bruising clears up. The only concern would be if they didn't change back and she began to act like she was having pain in that area, in which case we would need to go back to check of infection or an abscess. The extent of some of the damage may also be unknown until her permanent teeth begin to come in, in which case she may have some spacing or other issues that would be addressed at that time.
So that about sums it up. Overall, she is acting like herself and eating just fine. The dentist was impressed with how well B took to her messing with the area and thankfully nothing else needs to be done at this time except keeping an eye on it.

I'ma Huntin' Wabbit

As S and I have been discussing different ways to cut our food budget down the last few weeks several options have come available. Several areas have already been taken care of such as we obviously don't have to worry about seafood, now that S has a subsistence licence. Now with the offer of caribou we have red meat covered for a while. However, I hate buying chicken. The quality isn't that great as most of it looks like it has freezer burn or it is VERY pricey. Since our favorite food however seems to be chicken we have simply paid the price. However, a few weeks ago we heard on hotline (local radio station plays call ins for pretty much anything) someone advertising to rabbit hunt and catch as many as you want as there isn't a bag limit on the island. While this sounded interesting we didn't really know any details and we didn't get the guys number as we caught the tail end of the ad. However, last week at work S ended up talking with a couple of guys that were going rabbit hunting this Sat. and invited him to go to. They had an extra gun (since we don't have any) and offered to split whatever they caught. Having never been rabbit hunting S jumped at the chance to learn something new and went out for a few hours yesterday for a very enjoyable and interesting guys afternoon. He didn't realize however that the guys he was going with had also never been rabbit hunting. So after an hour of not seeing any rabbits they decided to head back read up on the subject then go again. Thats when they spotted them. So after about 2hours they had 2 rabbits and a squirrel. Then came the questions of how to bleed, gut and skin it. Next thing I know they are back here at the house with 2 bled and gutted rabbits and the internet pulled up to give tips on how to skin it. Finally the meat was divided up and they were discussing what to do with the pelts, up comes the internet again on how to tan hides. As the other guys weren't too interested in tanning the hides I now have two hides soaking in our garage that S decided to experiment on, using a tanning recipe he got of the internet. So the guys are back out again today, having also looking up hunting techniques, trying to catch more rabbits. With any luck I may not have to buy too much more pricey chicken as I've heard rabbit replaces chicken very well in most recipes, we'll see.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Birthday

Scott's birthday was Monday as many of you know. This year it worked out that he had his birthday off in celebration of Martin Luther King Day. The girls were thrilled to have daddy home all day. We started the day with breakfast in bed for daddy. I was a little concerned that they would wake him up before I got his breakfast finished. However, they must have heard me downstairs and not seeing any lights on in our room they came straight down and helped me finish his breakfast. I was making the last of the pancakes when they arrived so A helped me scoop out the batter which I then put on the skillet while B got the silverware and supervised. Daddy's Birthday breakfast consisted of bacon, eggs, potatoes and pancakes as well as an orange that I had hoped would keep the girls out of his food. Once everything was ready we headed upstairs, A carried the birthday card, B had the very important syrup and I brought up the food. I think A was more excited about the surprise than daddy was. She ran in the room yelling Happy Birthday and Surprise then insisted that he open his "mail" (the birthday card). We had discussed several things that he wanted for his birthday however with limited funds we decided to get a small tool chest that would hold the few tools that he has in the garage. However, I wasn't able to find one for the price I wanted before his birthday so I got him a gift card for when we did find it. After the card it was time to dig in. He offered the girls some of his orange and before we knew what was happening they had both jumped on his food and grabbed handfuls of orange and pancake. After being scolded for having such bad manners they both sat back and waited for him to give them some food.
After breakfast the fun began, the kids were bundled up and a morning of sledding was enjoyed by all. We then had a Doctor appointment and got to hear the newest member's little heartbeat. It was then back to the house for a quick hair cut and we got ready to go on a date. We grabbed a little to eat at a local restaurant then went to the movies. The theatre here only has one screen so the movies are generally several weeks behind from every where else and there is only one showing a night of a particular movie. So they may be showing two movies but one shows at seven and one at nine, it takes a little getting use to because the movie you want to see is never playing on the day and time you want to see it. This time however we got lucky and the movie S wanted to see happen to be playing that night and at the right time.
Since his birthday S found something that he wanted more than a tool chest. Someone happened to be getting rid of a Wii on the message board at work with accessories and games for very cheap. So he asked if they would take a gift instead of cash and they guy agreed. We now have a new Wii game system and a very happy birthday boy.


So I have so far not kept one new year resolution to keep this thing updated. Oh, well I try, sorry folks. We have got big plans for this year and have so far been having a blast. From snow storms to planning for the newest member to arrive. Many of you already know that care on the island won't allow me to deliver on island so I have to go to Anchorage for the last month. However, we did just learn that there is a midwife that "unofficially" does natural births after C-section but you have to deliver in your home. With as fascinating as that sounds we will still be going to Anchorage and enjoying a few weeks off island to explore the main land and enjoy civilization again.
Over the past few weeks we have had several things happen that I've wanted to write about and just haven't found the time or energy to do it. Now I can't remember half of them so real quick the one's I do remember.
We enjoyed a beautiful snow storm for about a week. Followed by several chilly but very sunny days. The girls and my hubby have thoroughly enjoyed sledding and playing in the snow. After the sunny days we've had several days of rain as temps went back up into the high 30's, so now all the pretty powdery snow is slush and ice and NOT much fun to walk, play or drive on. S came home for his lunch break to find the girls begging to go sledding so he went out with them I think he had a pretty good work out. He would walk them up the hill then run back down so that he could catch them at the bottom. Coming back in B got the idea to clear off the railing on the porch steps only after touching the snow it all let loose and avalanched right on top of her head. Thankfully it wasn't much more that a few handfuls however she was not impressed.
Aside from the interesting weather A is just as sassy and "do it myself" as ever. Now B has decided that she too can do everything herself. I had thought a couple of weeks ago that I would attempt to potty train B however after falling in the potty the first morning we soon decided to wait until she got over her trauma and try again. So the other morning she comes to me with diaper and wipes in hand telling me she needs a change when I get the diaper off she ask to sit on the potty. After about 15min playing on the potty she still hadn't gone so I made her get off and we tried potty training again. Only she got things a little backwards. She was fine sitting on the potty singing and playing then would get off walk into the other room and pee pee on the floor. After half a day cleaning up behind her I decided to get things together to try again on Monday when I'm more prepared. I can't believe they will be 2 and 3 this year it seems amazing to me how fast the time goes.
S and I are also keeping busy. This week we will be starting a young adults Sunday school class at our church. Praying it goes well as there aren't' but a few young adults that attend. We have also started a praise band. In December our pianist's work schedule was changed so she was no longer able to attend every other Sunday. So after a few weeks of singing a Capella we got several other musicians together and began playing on the Sunday's the pianist has to work. So far it has worked out great.
We also had a wonderful surprise last week. Wanting to start eating healthy and more natural we were a little concerned with the cost. However, last week S ran into a guy that he'd worked with in Clearwater that was going on a Caribou hunt and offered to bring us one back as well. It was perfect we would get to sample cooking and processing methods without having to pay too much out of pocket. However, with the weather being nasty the last couple of days the flight got cancelled so the guy had to postpone the trip. We did talk to him last night and he was hoping they would get out today and also offered to bring us back some crab. I was thrilled!
So that has been the last few weeks in a nut shell. Oh yeah. We also had our first and supposedly only ultrasound. Everything looked fine and healthy with the new baby (Pics on facebook) and I have an appointment with the Doctor from Anchorage in March. We couldn't determine the sex as the umbilical cord was between the legs. So we are still left wandering on that end hopefully we will get another ultrasound at some point and will be able to tell then.