(you may not want the kids to see this picture).
He actually hit two deer this was just the only one that we found. It hit right in the middle of the bumper so we figure it died instantly, or at least quickly enough that it didn't suffer. The other one ran off so we aren't sure if it made it or not. Hopefully, they rest of the trip will go smoothly with no more accidents.
S spent most of the week trying to finish up his last class I spent it playing with babies.
Jeannie is now just over a week old. She and the rest of the family are doing great! She's really wonderful, she wimpers when she's hungry then tries to eat her hands. They had a family emergency in Florida yesterday so everyone please keep them in yours prayers. Hopefully they will be back before we take off next weekend.
To top the week off we got to be part one of our oldest friends wedding. These are all of the guys that I grew up with and consider me a lil' sister, with a few added after high school. The groom however I have known the longest, Patrick and my brother have been terrorising me sense before preschool. We went to the same daycare when we were too young to start school. It was wonderful getting to help out with the weddnig and see everybody together again.
They had a 50's theme with the bride in a Mariln Monroe Wedding dress. She was beautiful! The guys also looked great in their all black suits, hats and even white suspenders. The guys also had to bring in a paintball gun that looked like an M16 and take some pictures that looked like they were part of the mob. It was a great party and the bride and groom seem to really enjoy themselves. After the ceremony,S was put in charge of decorating the get away car.
I think he enjoys getting all the guys back that decorated our car. The inside was ceran wrapped with the doors also ceran wrapped closed. The door handles were covered in wedding cake with cake also shoved in the back hatch latch and gas tank handles. The gas cap was also covered in vasoline. With the traditional coke cans and streamers tied to the bumper.
Overall, we had an amazing week and are looking forward to our last week.