Friday, January 29, 2010

Worship Time

S and I discussed at the beginning of the year a desire to start a family worship time. However, with him still very much behind in school and the move coming up we didn't feel we could handle starting something at this time. S has been wanting to learn to play the guitar but learning a new instrument and finishing school was going to be a lot to take on right now. So we decided to play it by ear and just start by adding a bible story to A's bedtime routine. We have been pretty faithful about reading from her children's first bible every night and she enjoys it so much that if I get too busy during the day she will go get her bible and ask me to read to her. By about the third night we had read every story in the little bible at least twice so I began singing some songs that go with the stories I knew. She loved it!! Before I knew it she had me singing Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho ALL DAY! even for bedtime she would turn to the story of Joshua and have me sing the song before and after reading the story. Finally last night S decided to help me out when he took a break from school work. A loved daddy joining in the singing as well as the guitar! The last couple of nights have been so heart warming watching her enjoy the reading and singing.
Jesus . . . said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Luke 18:16

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First Post

So with much encouragement from family and friends I have finally started a blog. I'm not really sure what to write about but I'm trusting it will come to me. To catch everyone up a little we got word yesterday that Kodiak is the official next location. Due to some complications at work we will be transferring there as soon as the paperwork is complete. S is hoping that he will not have to return to work in Clearwater after February. We are currently planning to celebrate A's birthday with a few friends and family here in Clearwater before heading to Georgia. We will be spending several weeks in Ga. to include celebrating B's birthday before hitting the road for Alaska. It has still not be finalized yet if I will be going with S or if his dad will be able to make the trip with him. Hopefully, that will be finalized in the next week or two. If it is determined that I will go with S then I will make to keep pictures and post up to date of the trip. Hopefully, If I don't go S's dad will do it for me.
I must say I am having a lot of different feeling concerning the move, I have only lived in two towns my entire life, so I think I'm feeling a little of every possible emotion concerning the move. Alaska looks beautiful however. Although I have some doubts concerning the winters, S keeps trying to tell me its not as bad as people make it out. From what I have seen though it looks exciting and I know God will take care of everything else.