Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Moving Day

We are officially out of our house and in a hotel for the next few days while S finishes up work. I got most of the house packed up during the week, with the help of Papa and some friends. With most of the work done during the week Sat should have gone much smoother than it did. Of course move day started with rain so it was lunch time before S could start getting the outside tools together. Then the buyers showed up around mid-afternoon, told us to be out by 4pm and sat in front of the house waiting on us to get out. It was definitely an experience that I will not forget!!
It was a little bitter sweet leaving the house since it was the first place we lived with the girls. I'm really looking forward to getting to see family and visit with friends over the next month as well as the road trip, ferry ride and just getting to see Ak.

1 comment:

  1. Moving day is always an unpredictable experience. No matter how well you plan in advance, SOMETHING will go wrong!
