The last few days have been a little cold, wet and gloomy. Even on the day's that it hasn't rained it has been too cold and threatening rain to really get to go outside and play. After several days of being couped up the girls have been going a little stir crazy. With Sunday promising somewhat better weather we made plans to have a play date at a friends farm, with the idea that even if it did rain their house was bigger than ours and the kids could play and get a change in scenery. It actually turned out to be a very nice day outside. A little cool in the shade but just right for very active 2year olds chasing each other and the animals.

Believe it or not I think the duck was enjoying the extra attention. When the toddlers stopped chasing her, she would come out of the water and waddle to where they were. Then she would quack until they chased her back to the water. When the toddlers got tired of her, she turned her attention to the little ones.

We thought she might actually let them touch her but she ran off when they got too close. Once they all realized the duck wasn't going to let them pet her we took turns on the 4-wheeler.
(You can almost hear them,
"Here Ducky, Ducky, Ducky!)
This was A's first real ride and she absolutely loved it! She would count to three, we would take off and she would laugh all the way down the drive around the pond and back. B wasn't real sure what to think of the 4-wheeler however so she was very content to stay on the porch and watch the toddlers ride.

Then it was time for supper, but not just for the kids. The baby goats also had to be fed and put to bed with their moms.
The babies were just 24-48 hours old and absolutely adorable! There were black twins shown here, and a single black one and a single reddish colored one.
(These two were having a very serious conversation, while checking each other out.
They were hilarious!!)
You can still see them ambilical cord on this one.

Once all the goats were put up A discovered the empty pasture where she chased the dogs that were chasing each other. I think she ran for a good 30min straight, and still didn't want to come inside to eat.
Then it was time for supper for everyone. This was also an experience as we got to eat our first "homegrown" chicken. The friends we were with had just slaughter their first chicken. It had been in the crockpot all day and was falling off the bone by the time we ate. And it was absolutely delicious!
Overall, it was a great day and the kids slept all the way home and even slept late the next morning. S and I can't wait to get some of the goats milk. We should be going back over this coming weekend to watch/help milk them. S wants to try out making goat butter and cheese. I'm still not very sure about drink straight goat milk but I'll try anything once.