Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Merry Christmas
Monday, November 15, 2010
October brought very cold weather. We had our first slush/ snow which had to come on halloween when all the kids wanted to be out getting candy. A friend sent us costumes for the girls so we had an adorable bumble bee and fairy. The girls had a blast dressing up all month and continue to even now. They also were amazing sharer giving their candy to kids that came by. I was very impressed with A as she looked for kids to share with. At one point she was standing in the garage door yelling for kids to come to the house. There weren't very many out due to the cold though.
NOvember is also proving to be a very busy month as Scott is preparing to leave for a deployment and the girls and I prepare for our first trip home. We will be traveling for just over 24 hours. I am very much looking forward to seeing old friends and family for the holidays. Hopefully I will get pictures up in the next couple of days and can update somemore.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Don't Blink, You Might Miss It!!!
The salmon berries and blueberries are in abundance and I'm attempting to learn how to make jams and jellies from them. We have been berry picking several times and my freezer is trying to overflow with items that I want to make into jam. Aside from the berries the wildlife on the island has also started coming out more. We have seen several bears that are very curious and adorable!!
This little guy just knew there was a fish in those rocks.
After giving up on the rocks he took a stroll down the creek chasing fish.
After playing in the grass this guy decided to get in the river to get some dinner and take an actual bath.
All of the bears have been very bashful. We were even fishing one day and a bear crossed the road between S, who was caring 2 fish and the car. The bear across with his head turned away from S like "I can't see you, you can't see me". It was very cute!
B has gotten a very independent attitude and copies everything A does. She has finally gotten some teeth in and has a grand total of about 5 1/2.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Home Alone
For the next two weeks however we will sit around missing daddy and trying to carry on. I've decided the best thing to do is make myself so busy that the next 2 weeks fly by and hopefully get half of the stuff I've added to my "to do" list complete. I'm not off to a very good start, so far I have only succeeded in bathing and putting the girls to bed then curling up with a bowl of ice cream and a movie. However, tomorrow is my first day and I have a lot to do so I guess I should actually go to bed. That's probably also not going to happen as I sat down to work on next weeks menu and got side tracked posting this blog. So I must refocus get my menu done then head to bed. It's going to be a very long two weeks!!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Fishing Adventures
S next encounter wasn't near as exciting as the first. A few nights after meeting the young buck at the river S ran into a much older and larger bear. He was much more laid back and didn't mind sharing his fishing whole with other people. However, the people seem to have a problem sharing it with him so they gather their things and move down the river to the next spot.
Then just a few nights ago S ran into the BIG DADDY of bears. Kodiak bears are known for their size they are the largest bears in the nation (so I've been told). So you would think S would be surprised to see a bear that appears to be around 11ft step out of the bushes however he was very surprised. I'm not sure if it was the size that caught him off guard or the ease in which these 1000lb+ animals move through thick woods and rivers without making a sound! So you can be fishing in absolute silence get a whiff of some funny odor look up and be 50 feet away from an 11ft 1000lb bear and never even heard it coming!!
Currently we have heard reports of 4 bears and 3 cubs being at the Buskin river. The Big Daddy bear, the big bear, the young bear and a momma with 3 babies. We haven't had the privilege to meet the momma and I don't think I want to.
I even got a chance to see my first bear, which was amazing! Last night after leaving a friend's house we ran to the river to see if we could spot one. Sure enough the young bear was at one of his favorite fishing holes. S and another guy went down first to see if he was down there, and the bear and S both popped out of the bushes about the same time. Scared the mess out of both grown men IT WAS HILARIOUS! The bear crossed to the other side of the river to check us out and the other guys wife and I got a chance to see him. He was so cute but smelled awful. For the most part he ignored us and tried to fish then realizing we weren't leaving he moved down stream some more. So there are some of our wild life adventures.
We have been thoroughly enjoying the fresh caught fish and the wonderful weather here lately hopefully it will stay around and continue to warm up. We've hit the 60's several days now. While it feels great outside it gets a little toasty inside. We even hit 80 in the house the other day, so we opened the doors and cooled it off.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Happy 4th of July!!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
BIG eaters!
She was a little short so S had to come help her. When she wasn't turning off the fire alarm she was an excellent breakfast taster.
After checking on B, S came back into the kitchen to discover that A was helping herself to breakfast, before it was even ready. Needless to say she enjoyed it much better when it was all ready.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
My Baby's Growing Up
Friday, June 25, 2010
Little Helpers
Friday, June 18, 2010
Settling In
We haven't had very many sunny days since then maybe one or two a week. At crab fest we met some very nice missionaries, that we actually spent most of the weekend with. It was a little different being on the receiving end of a mission trip. Although, it was a little funny when the first guy approached us and started his "do remember the day you excepted Jesus Christ into your lives," we cut him a little short when we both answered yes. He moved on to the next group of people however one of his team members continued to talk with us. She had kids back home that she was missing so she enjoyed the girls for a few minutes. We were then invited to their host church for Sunday service and a cook out followed by a "no talent talent show". We've been enjoying the church ever since. So on to family life. . .
We have all continued to adjust to the area and changes in settings. S has enjoyed the chances to fish since being on nights. He even caught his first salmon. A red that was delicious!! A couple of days after catching it however they closed his favorite fishing river so that the salmon in that river could repopulate this year. So he hasn't really been able to fish since then so he has been practicing his guitar instead. He's hoping to start the drums as well. The church is in need of some instrument players as their worship band has all recently been transferred.I can't believe how much the girls have changed in just the month and a half they have been here. A is moving into 3T (some 4t) clothes and B is almost in 18mo clothes. A has also become little miss independent. She wants to do it herself for everything, to include potting, getting her own snack and drinks, or coloring. You name it she wants to do it herself!
She discovered that frozen blueberries make a wonderful snack. It started with a "boo-boo" that needed ice, as ALL boo-boo's do now. Only instead of getting ice she grabbed a bag of frozen blueberries. While putting them back a few fell out and all of sudden she has a new favorite snack. For several days I couldn't keep her out of them. It only took once for her to see me put some in a bowl for her and from then on she would help herself to a bowl of blueberries at snack time. She is even nice enough to share these wonderful snacks with her sister, who then leaves blue hand prints everywhere.
She's turning into such a little "mommy". From taking care of her baby dolls to caring for B and now that S is on nights she makes sure to tuck him in when he gets in in the mornings to include hugs and kisses on the head so he can go "night night". She insists on helping me sweep and unload the dish washer. Shes even pretty good at it. She takes things out of the dishwasher hands them to me and I put them way. It works pretty well most days. At meals and snack she insists on setting the table and getting baby's food. In this instance she got baby's food before it was ready. B didn't mind getting all the cookies instead of just a few.
B has also become more independent now that she is walking much better. I think the only reason she decided to start walking was because crawling was hurting her knees. She and A were playing chase in the house earlier and after crawling on the linoleum in the entryway she came walking back to me crying.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Late update and New CARPET!!!
One of those nights when he just wasn't that tired he headed to the river for a little fishing. So we have our first catch of the season. A nice red salmon maybe somewhere between 5 and 8lbs, I'm not a good judge of fish, but he would definitely be a keeper from a Ga pond!! Although, any sized Alaskan salmon caught in Ga would probably be a keeper no matter the size.
Since moving into our new home we have been dealing with a few issues, most of which have been resolved this week. Since we are in base housing they have an office we report to with any house issues and I'm pretty sure they are tired of hearing from us. My theory is that the house was turned around and we moved in so quickly that not everything was finished as well as if they had a month to get the stuff done. Most of it has been minor issues such as the front door not wanting to stay shut and the back door not not wanting to open then not wanting to close when it is open. The biggest issue however has been the smell of the house.
We assumed when we moved in that it was because the house had been shut up for a couple of weeks and just needed to air out. I was under the impression that the houses received new carpet when the previous tenants moved out, that is incorrect!!! We also learned from our neighbor that the previous tenants had several more pets than what was reported to the housing office. So we decided to call and see what could be done. Originally it was decided to simply steam clean the carpet and see if that would get rid of the smell. However, before the work order could get drawn up S decided to take a closer look with a black light. It is amazing what a black light will show!!! However what is even more amazing to me is that people willingly live in that kind of filth and are then lazy enough to not even attempt to clean it for the next tenants! Needless to say we refused to place B on the carpet in the their room which became obvious was the dogs room before. Also, after speaking with the housing office again we received a call within 48hours that the carpet would be replaced the following day.
I felt so bad for the moving and carpet workers that came in. It is not common to change carpet after tenants have moved in so a separate work order had to be issued to provide movers to move our stuff around the carpet workers. They were all amazing and actually finished the entire house by the time the girls got up from their nap at the neighbors. We also got an even better idea of how filthy the carpet was when the entire crew came and asks to wash theirs after pulling the carpet in our bedroom. The boss then came to tell me that the carpet would have to wait in the closet until another worker could get to the house with a special paint to put on the wood flooring to kill anything left on the floor. This was a precaution to make sure the smell didn't come back and also because there was "black and green stuff" growing on the carpet pad! Even with the new carpet and the "kills paint" on the wood under it there is a slight odor in our closet that I'm hoping will go away as I wash all the clothes in there. If it doesn't go away the boss of the carpet crew doesn't have any other options for me other than to move houses.
While S and I have been having pet withdrawal here lately, me more so than him. This has definitely helped us put that behind us.
With that task behind us now we have moved on to potty training. A is doing an amazing job and while this is only day 2, she has only had 2 accidents today one of which was after she went to bed. I don't think bed wetting should count against her on her second day. I'm a little concerned on how training her to not wet the bed is going to go. So far we have continued to keep her big girl panties and see if she will just start waking up and learning to hold it when she wakes up until she gets to the bathroom. I'm going to try to give her a week to see improvements, as I really don't want to go down the pull ups route. Any ideas on potty training at night and naps, I'll take all the help I can get.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Crab Fest!!
She got in her first fishing trip and even caught 2 fish! and a prize!
A somewhat deformed ducky that she absolutely loved. She tried to trade with several other game operators but she couldn't get any takers. Next she got her first fair rides.
The train was the best starter ride. She was thrilled.
Then we went to the fun house with daddy. I wasn't sure we were going to get her out of there.
The rolling entrances was slow enough she actually was able to walk it.
At one point she reminded me of Papa in the gerbil wheel at Chuck-e-Cheese in Vegas.