Saturday, June 12, 2010

Late update and New CARPET!!!

Sorry it's been awhile since I've posted. Things have been a little busy combined with more computer issues that we have hopefully gotten worked out!! So since Crab Fest the other week we have been having a blast. S was moved to nights, so he is now working from midnight to 8 in the morning. It is actually working out a lot better than I had originally thought. We get to have breakfast with him when he gets home and winds down from work then he heads to bed till around 4. Since this is the time that he would normally get home the girls and I haven't really seen a difference during the day. So we have normal after noons then sometimes he takes a nap with me when I head to bed or he takes a couple of hours to himself before work.
One of those nights when he just wasn't that tired he headed to the river for a little fishing. So we have our first catch of the season. A nice red salmon maybe somewhere between 5 and 8lbs, I'm not a good judge of fish, but he would definitely be a keeper from a Ga pond!! Although, any sized Alaskan salmon caught in Ga would probably be a keeper no matter the size.
Since moving into our new home we have been dealing with a few issues, most of which have been resolved this week. Since we are in base housing they have an office we report to with any house issues and I'm pretty sure they are tired of hearing from us. My theory is that the house was turned around and we moved in so quickly that not everything was finished as well as if they had a month to get the stuff done. Most of it has been minor issues such as the front door not wanting to stay shut and the back door not not wanting to open then not wanting to close when it is open. The biggest issue however has been the smell of the house.
We assumed when we moved in that it was because the house had been shut up for a couple of weeks and just needed to air out. I was under the impression that the houses received new carpet when the previous tenants moved out, that is incorrect!!! We also learned from our neighbor that the previous tenants had several more pets than what was reported to the housing office. So we decided to call and see what could be done. Originally it was decided to simply steam clean the carpet and see if that would get rid of the smell. However, before the work order could get drawn up S decided to take a closer look with a black light. It is amazing what a black light will show!!! However what is even more amazing to me is that people willingly live in that kind of filth and are then lazy enough to not even attempt to clean it for the next tenants! Needless to say we refused to place B on the carpet in the their room which became obvious was the dogs room before. Also, after speaking with the housing office again we received a call within 48hours that the carpet would be replaced the following day.
I felt so bad for the moving and carpet workers that came in. It is not common to change carpet after tenants have moved in so a separate work order had to be issued to provide movers to move our stuff around the carpet workers. They were all amazing and actually finished the entire house by the time the girls got up from their nap at the neighbors. We also got an even better idea of how filthy the carpet was when the entire crew came and asks to wash theirs after pulling the carpet in our bedroom. The boss then came to tell me that the carpet would have to wait in the closet until another worker could get to the house with a special paint to put on the wood flooring to kill anything left on the floor. This was a precaution to make sure the smell didn't come back and also because there was "black and green stuff" growing on the carpet pad! Even with the new carpet and the "kills paint" on the wood under it there is a slight odor in our closet that I'm hoping will go away as I wash all the clothes in there. If it doesn't go away the boss of the carpet crew doesn't have any other options for me other than to move houses.
While S and I have been having pet withdrawal here lately, me more so than him. This has definitely helped us put that behind us.
With that task behind us now we have moved on to potty training. A is doing an amazing job and while this is only day 2, she has only had 2 accidents today one of which was after she went to bed. I don't think bed wetting should count against her on her second day. I'm a little concerned on how training her to not wet the bed is going to go. So far we have continued to keep her big girl panties and see if she will just start waking up and learning to hold it when she wakes up until she gets to the bathroom. I'm going to try to give her a week to see improvements, as I really don't want to go down the pull ups route. Any ideas on potty training at night and naps, I'll take all the help I can get.


  1. Hey Peggy, I too am potty training Jayden now and try the Gerber waterproof pants to go over Alicia's underwear when she sleeps. She may still have accidents but at least it will keep the bed dry. You might even have to wake her up in the middle of the night to take her to the bathroom, that sometimes works only if she is good about going back to sleep lol.

  2. Don't stress about the night time. It comes naturally as the day training progresses. If you want to avoid pull-ups, go for the waterproof crib-mattress pads. They are the perfect size to lay ACROSS a twin mattress. Then, instead of a full size sheet, just assign her a blanket for a while. All you have to do is change/wash the pad and blanket instead of stripping the entire bed each time. SOOOOO much easier. Having dealt with a 5 year bed-wetter, believe me I tried everything, and this definitely worked best!

  3. OK, I am talking like the elder statesman here, considering my baby is 24 years old now. LOL!!
    I never worried about the nighttime bed wetting. I used the waterproff pants at night, told him they were "nite-nite" pants for big boys. Made him feel better. When we woke up dry for a week, it was all over. Good guess is that Brianna will train even faster than Alisha.....
