Friday, June 25, 2010

Little Helpers

The girls have each turned into little helpers the past few weeks, not that weren't before however there has definitely been an increase in the amount of help I have been receiving doing everyday house work. A has always enjoyed helping me sweep so, just about every morning after breakfast she holds the dust pan while I sweep. We then move on to the dishes. She hands me one dish at a time while I put them way, since she can't reach the cabinets. Earlier this week she discovered that she can stand on a foot stool and see into the silverware drawer. So now when we finish the dishes she pulls her stool around and does the silverware herself. Then on to the sink. If there are any dirty dishes they get a full rinse before begin handed over to me to go into the dishwasher. If the sink is empty then it gets a good scrubbing while I finish up the kitchen. Even B has started, I turned around the other day to find her sitting on the table
scrubbing away with a dishrag I had just laid down. These little helpers don't stop in the kitchen however. S has found that he has more helping hands then he knows what to do with on little projects. Such as this toy that needed a slight motor adjustment.

We also had more help planting our new flower bed. After helping me spread some flower seed A then helped daddy water them in good.
Laundry day has also become much easier.
I think A listens for when the washer stops! She thinks it's the best thing in the world to move the clean (aka all done) clothes to the dry.
We have run into the occasional problem of B wanting to help. She is an excellent door shutter. However, she sometimes shuts the washer door before A is done moving the clothes to the dry. While A is reopening the washer she then moves to the dryer and shuts that door, then round and round they go!! A also enjoys when I start the laundry. I think she feels like she's making it happen. After shutting the door and turning it A stands in front of the washer going "1 . .2 . .3. . GO!!" Generally she gets it right on and they washer starts spinning. If she's a little late she just skips 3 and yells GO! If she's early the counting starts over. While I have been thoroughly enjoying the girls help we do occasionally run into problems. The girls start fighting over who gets to do it or just a general lack of understanding of the cleaning process, such as this morning. A was doing her typical cleaning of the sink after everything had been done. S and I were having a discussion. Having just gotten off S wanted to sit in the living room to finish talking. Since A was happy cleaning daddy's coffee cup we left her alone thinking she would get bored and join us. It wasn't long however before we hear the sound of water hitting the kitchen floor. S and I both rolled our eyes and headed to the kitchen expecting to find that A had dumped a cup of water on the floor. NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!!
We find instead a very happy 2 year old giving herself a "BATH MOMMY!!!" There was at least an inch of water covering the kitchen floor. S and I were laughing so hard it took us a second to realize the water was still running spilling even more water on the floor. She had shoved all the dishrags into the drain to keep the water from draining out. After the pictures and an explanation of why she can't do that (I'm not sure she took it seriously with all the laughter) we headed upstairs to get changed while S mopped up the water. He then decided he'd had too much excitement for one morning and headed to bed. Moral of the story do not leave water loving children alone with water!

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