Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bri Update

As most of you probably saw on facebook our little B had an accident Friday night involving a bookshelf. She was eating a quick dinner before band practice when she decided to play in her chair instead of sit in it. With daddy across the room getting more pizza and me in the office talking with the pastor's wife and everyone else occupied with their food she stood up turned around and flipped the chair with her top two front teeth making contact with the bookshelf behind her. As with most injuries involving the mouth there was immediately a lot of blood. Not having any ice handy I grabbed a cup full of snow to help stop the bleeding to get a better look at the damage. At first glance she had a pretty good busted top lip, but not something that would need stitches. Upon further inspection we notice that the gum just above her teeth was also cut pretty good and there was also white showing through the gum as we could see her teeth we weren't sure what the white was so we aired on the side of caution and ran across the street to the hospital. The ER had no patiences and they were ready to see us before I was done checking her in. The Dr. was also in the room ready to examine her before the nurses were done asking questions and getting her vitals. It was by far the best ER visit I have ever had! It was determined that she cut the tissue that connects her upper lip to the gum and that she possible jammed her teeth. None of the cuts seemed severe enough to need stitches and she seemed okay as long as you didn't mess with her lip so nothing was given to numb her lip either. There was also nothing to be done about the teeth except to follow up with the Dentist and have them access the damage, which we did today.
The dentist confirmed that the white was partly bone and partly root, the gum is fairly thin in that area so it wouldn't have taken much for either one to show through. She didn't think that the teeth were jammed due to being able to see the roots and the teeth still appeared to be positioned correctly they also didn't feel loose. Also, with B's age she felt everything would heal quickly and correctly without having any problems. We do have to keep an eye out for any possible infection as there isn't a good way to clean it, since we can't brush up there due to disturbing the clot and causing more pain and discomfort for B. We were also warned that the teeth may change color as the bruising continues to heal but they should change back as the bruising clears up. The only concern would be if they didn't change back and she began to act like she was having pain in that area, in which case we would need to go back to check of infection or an abscess. The extent of some of the damage may also be unknown until her permanent teeth begin to come in, in which case she may have some spacing or other issues that would be addressed at that time.
So that about sums it up. Overall, she is acting like herself and eating just fine. The dentist was impressed with how well B took to her messing with the area and thankfully nothing else needs to be done at this time except keeping an eye on it.


  1. YIKES! Head and mouth injuries are the worst!

  2. Yeah it really sound a lot worse then it looks. Looking at her she doesn't even look like she has a busted lip.
