Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Birthday

Scott's birthday was Monday as many of you know. This year it worked out that he had his birthday off in celebration of Martin Luther King Day. The girls were thrilled to have daddy home all day. We started the day with breakfast in bed for daddy. I was a little concerned that they would wake him up before I got his breakfast finished. However, they must have heard me downstairs and not seeing any lights on in our room they came straight down and helped me finish his breakfast. I was making the last of the pancakes when they arrived so A helped me scoop out the batter which I then put on the skillet while B got the silverware and supervised. Daddy's Birthday breakfast consisted of bacon, eggs, potatoes and pancakes as well as an orange that I had hoped would keep the girls out of his food. Once everything was ready we headed upstairs, A carried the birthday card, B had the very important syrup and I brought up the food. I think A was more excited about the surprise than daddy was. She ran in the room yelling Happy Birthday and Surprise then insisted that he open his "mail" (the birthday card). We had discussed several things that he wanted for his birthday however with limited funds we decided to get a small tool chest that would hold the few tools that he has in the garage. However, I wasn't able to find one for the price I wanted before his birthday so I got him a gift card for when we did find it. After the card it was time to dig in. He offered the girls some of his orange and before we knew what was happening they had both jumped on his food and grabbed handfuls of orange and pancake. After being scolded for having such bad manners they both sat back and waited for him to give them some food.
After breakfast the fun began, the kids were bundled up and a morning of sledding was enjoyed by all. We then had a Doctor appointment and got to hear the newest member's little heartbeat. It was then back to the house for a quick hair cut and we got ready to go on a date. We grabbed a little to eat at a local restaurant then went to the movies. The theatre here only has one screen so the movies are generally several weeks behind from every where else and there is only one showing a night of a particular movie. So they may be showing two movies but one shows at seven and one at nine, it takes a little getting use to because the movie you want to see is never playing on the day and time you want to see it. This time however we got lucky and the movie S wanted to see happen to be playing that night and at the right time.
Since his birthday S found something that he wanted more than a tool chest. Someone happened to be getting rid of a Wii on the message board at work with accessories and games for very cheap. So he asked if they would take a gift instead of cash and they guy agreed. We now have a new Wii game system and a very happy birthday boy.

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