Friday, January 21, 2011


So I have so far not kept one new year resolution to keep this thing updated. Oh, well I try, sorry folks. We have got big plans for this year and have so far been having a blast. From snow storms to planning for the newest member to arrive. Many of you already know that care on the island won't allow me to deliver on island so I have to go to Anchorage for the last month. However, we did just learn that there is a midwife that "unofficially" does natural births after C-section but you have to deliver in your home. With as fascinating as that sounds we will still be going to Anchorage and enjoying a few weeks off island to explore the main land and enjoy civilization again.
Over the past few weeks we have had several things happen that I've wanted to write about and just haven't found the time or energy to do it. Now I can't remember half of them so real quick the one's I do remember.
We enjoyed a beautiful snow storm for about a week. Followed by several chilly but very sunny days. The girls and my hubby have thoroughly enjoyed sledding and playing in the snow. After the sunny days we've had several days of rain as temps went back up into the high 30's, so now all the pretty powdery snow is slush and ice and NOT much fun to walk, play or drive on. S came home for his lunch break to find the girls begging to go sledding so he went out with them I think he had a pretty good work out. He would walk them up the hill then run back down so that he could catch them at the bottom. Coming back in B got the idea to clear off the railing on the porch steps only after touching the snow it all let loose and avalanched right on top of her head. Thankfully it wasn't much more that a few handfuls however she was not impressed.
Aside from the interesting weather A is just as sassy and "do it myself" as ever. Now B has decided that she too can do everything herself. I had thought a couple of weeks ago that I would attempt to potty train B however after falling in the potty the first morning we soon decided to wait until she got over her trauma and try again. So the other morning she comes to me with diaper and wipes in hand telling me she needs a change when I get the diaper off she ask to sit on the potty. After about 15min playing on the potty she still hadn't gone so I made her get off and we tried potty training again. Only she got things a little backwards. She was fine sitting on the potty singing and playing then would get off walk into the other room and pee pee on the floor. After half a day cleaning up behind her I decided to get things together to try again on Monday when I'm more prepared. I can't believe they will be 2 and 3 this year it seems amazing to me how fast the time goes.
S and I are also keeping busy. This week we will be starting a young adults Sunday school class at our church. Praying it goes well as there aren't' but a few young adults that attend. We have also started a praise band. In December our pianist's work schedule was changed so she was no longer able to attend every other Sunday. So after a few weeks of singing a Capella we got several other musicians together and began playing on the Sunday's the pianist has to work. So far it has worked out great.
We also had a wonderful surprise last week. Wanting to start eating healthy and more natural we were a little concerned with the cost. However, last week S ran into a guy that he'd worked with in Clearwater that was going on a Caribou hunt and offered to bring us one back as well. It was perfect we would get to sample cooking and processing methods without having to pay too much out of pocket. However, with the weather being nasty the last couple of days the flight got cancelled so the guy had to postpone the trip. We did talk to him last night and he was hoping they would get out today and also offered to bring us back some crab. I was thrilled!
So that has been the last few weeks in a nut shell. Oh yeah. We also had our first and supposedly only ultrasound. Everything looked fine and healthy with the new baby (Pics on facebook) and I have an appointment with the Doctor from Anchorage in March. We couldn't determine the sex as the umbilical cord was between the legs. So we are still left wandering on that end hopefully we will get another ultrasound at some point and will be able to tell then.

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